Blog de Computación Distribuida, Altas Energías y E. Alternativas

Aquí se publica todo lo relacionado al grupo de investigación en Computación Distribuida, Física de Altas Energías y Energías Alternativas (CTIC y FC-UNI)

Los temas son concernientes a Computación Distribuída (MPI, GRID Computing, CUDA,etc), Energías Alternativas (Microondas, Biodigestores, etc), y Altas Energías (Detector MINERvA, Generadores de Eventos, Simulación de Geometría de Detectores, etc).

C. Javier Solano S.

Jefe de Proyecto en CTIC-UNI

IdF, Facultad de Ciencias

Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics

AIP Conf. Proc. 1123:13-29, 2009

C. J. Solano Salinas, K. Hurtado and C. Romero

This is a short review of Particle Physics and the most widely accepted theory, the Standard Model, with its questions and limitations. We also show a quick review of some of the theories beyonf the Standard Model. It is based in the introductory talk given at the Third School on Cosmic Rays and Astrophysics held in Arequipa, Peru.

Studies of light collection in depolished inorganic scintillators using Monte Carlo Simulations

AIP Conf. Proc. 1123:235-236, 2009

A. Altamirano, C. J. Solano Salinas and D. Wahl

Scintillators are materials which emit light when energetic particles deposit energy in their volume. It is a quasi-universal requirement that the light detected in scintillator setups be maximised. The following project aims to study how the light collection is affected by surface depolishing using the simulation programs GEANT4 and LITRANI.

Air Shower Simulations

AIP Conf. Proc. 1123:150-165, 2009

Marcos Alania, Ignacio J. Araya, Adolfo V. Chamorro Gomez, Humberto Martinez Huerta, Alejandra Parra Flores and Johannes Knapp

Air shower simulations are a vital part of the design of air shower experiments and the analysis of their data. We describe the basic features of air showers and explain why numerical simulations are the appropriate approach to model the shower simulation. The CORSIKA program, the standard simulation program in this field, is introduced and its features, performance and limitations are discussed. The basic principles of hadronic interaction models and some general simulation techniques are explained. Also a brief introduction to the installation and use of CORSIKA is given.