Publicación 2019: Linearization of air temperatures on the pacific ocean on the equatorial line

Titulo: Linearization of air temperatures on the pacific ocean on the equatorial line

Autores: C.M. Diez, C. J. Solano Salinas

Periódico Tchê Química
Vol 16, 32 (2019), 713-723
ISSN 2179-0302

Abstract: Shortwave radiation over the atmosphere of the Pacific Ocean influence directly on the temperature. So, it should be expected that air temperatures vary according to latitudes (because of the radiation), by one side; and, also, they vary according to the depth of the ocean, it means, longitudinally, by the other side. TAO Project of Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of United States has data of air temperatures in the Pacific Ocean from 10º North to 10º South of latitude along the equatorial line, organized by meridians from 95º West to 135º East. The present processes temperature data meteorological and mathematically, to regard their longitudinal evolution along the time and how points of the grid interact between themselves and how these interactions vary gradually from the east side of this ocean to the west means lag correlations. Nevertheless, there is a peculiar characteristic in air temperature on a great region of the West part of the Ocean, where variations change sharply, the fact that could be observed, again, by dint of lag correlation functions. The code used to process mathematically and plot these data was developed through the medium of Matlab student version from MathWorks Inc.

Publicación 2019: Linearization of relative humidity over the pacific ocean on the equatorial line

Titulo: Linearization of relative humidity over the pacific ocean on the equatorial line

Autores: C.M. Diez, C. J. Solano Salinas

Periódico Tchê Química
Vol 16, 33 (2019), 630-640
ISSN 2179-0302

Abstract: The atmosphere system is ruled by the interaction of many meteorological parameters, causing a dependency between them, i.e., moisture and temperature, both suitable in front of any anomaly, such as storms, hurricanes, El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events. So, understanding perturbations of the variation of moistness along the time may provide an indicator of any oceanographic phenomenon. Annual relative humidity data around the Equatorial line of the Pacific Ocean were processed and analyzed to comprehend the time evolution of each dataset, appreciate anomalies, trends, histograms, and propose a way to predict anomalous episodes such ENSO events, observing abnormality of lag correlation coefficients between every pair of buoys. Datasets were taken from the Tropical Atmosphere Ocean / Triangle Trans-Ocean Network (TAO/TRITON) project, array directed by Pacific Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC). All the datasets were processed, and the code was elaborated by the author or adapted from Mathworks Inc. Even occurrences of relative humidity in the east side of the Pacific Ocean seem to oscillate harmonically, while occurrences in the west side, do not, because of the size of their amplitudes of oscillations. This fact can be seen in the histograms that show Peak shapes in the east side of the ocean, and Gaussians in the west; lag correlation functions show that no one pair of buoys synchronize fluctuations, but western buoys are affected in front of ENSO events, especially between 1997-98. Definitely, lag correlations in western buoys are determined to detect ENSO events.

Licenciatura en Fisica 2011 (Informe Suficiencia): Pablo Eduardo Jimenez Coral

Licenciatura en Fisica (titulo otorgado el 12 de diciembre de 2011 en la Facultad de Ciencias de la UNI)

Tesista: Pablo Eduardo Jimenez Coral

Asesor: Dr. Carlos Javier Solano Salinas

Titulo de la tesis: “Optimizacion en la secuencia de procesamiento de datos sismicos marinos.

Pueden ver el Informe de Suficiencia en INFORME DE SUFUCIENCIA-PJ.pdf

Y la presentacion en Sustentación.pdf

1er Workshop Internacional OVIMINE de Matemática Aplicada a la Minería

Fechas: Marzo 17-18, 2011
Lugar: Instituto de Matemática y Ciencias Afines, Lima-Perú.

El Proyecto OVIMINE esta enmarcado dentro del programa regional STIC-AmSud de cooperación Francesa con países de América del sur. Los temas del proyecto son la optimización y viabilidad en explotación minera. El proyecto tiene como componentes de América del sur a Chile y Perú, y será ejecutado durante los años 2011 y 2012.

Los ejecutores del proyecto OVIMINE los invitan a participar en el 1° Workshop Internacional OVIMINE de Matemática Aplicada a la Minería, que se llevará a cabo los días 17 y 18 de marzo del 2011, en la sede del Instituto de Matemática y Ciencias Afines, Lima, Perú. El objetivo principal de este encuentro es reunir a profesionales matemáticos y del sector minero interesados en el uso de técnicas analíticas y numéricas para resolver problemas tanto de extracción como de gestión minera. Esperamos que este encuentro sirva para conocer más de cerca los problemas a los cuales se enfrenta el sector minero, con el fin de trabajar conjuntamente en su resolución.

Los interesados en participar como ponentes u oyentes sírvanse responder este mail o escribir directamente a .

Ver el poster en: afiche18012011.pdf

Euler Deconvolution of potential field magnetometer and its use in delineation of regional faults with data from northern Peru

Este trabajo trata sobre analisis de mapas geomagneticos para delineacion de fallas geologicas regionales, usando el metodo de deconvolucion de Euler.

Autores: Lic. Edgar Borda y DSc Carlos Javier Solano Salinas

La conferencia se dió en el evento AGSE 2010. Ver video

El articulo ya fue publicado en los Proceedings del evento internacional Applied Geoinformatics for Society and Enviroment – AGSE 2010, del 3 al 6 de Agosto de 2010 en Arequipa.

Ver AGSE 2010

Ver el articulo: EulerDeconvolution-AGSE2010-v4.pdf